Father Richard Heilman is calling it “Operation Overlord 2.” He has organized a prayer campaign named after the D-Day invasion of Normandy in June 1944. The modern-day version will not be a battle against Germany, but a rather communist-inspired movement to radicalize politics and take over the reins of the U.S. government.
Today, we are finding our nation occupied by an enormous, very aggressive and well-coordinated Leftist Ruling Class Cabal and their huge army of “useful idiot” minions. While this evil cabal has been plotting, planning and gaining control for decades, in recent months they have launched a full-fledged invasion, which includes a “politicized pandemic” to depress the economy and citizenry in order to gain power, the incitement of nationwide domestic terrorism (again, to depress the economy and citizenry in order to gain power), “cancel culture” threats to the citizenry on every side and, now, the hostile takeover of the Office of the President of the United States through an organized fraudulent election. We are at WAR!!
Commencing Nov. 30, the campaign will prepare participants to make a total consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary on Dec. 8, using St. Maximilian Kolbe’s instructions and prayers.
“The day on which all state recounts and court contests over presidential election results must be completed is on Dec. 8, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception,” Fr. Heilman wrote on his U.S. Grace Force web site. “I believe this is providential, and provides an even greater reason for deploying the ‘St. Maximillian Kolbe Strategy.’ If this emboldened Leftist/Communist/Fascist Cabal steals the Presidency, we are, very likely, looking at generations of oppression and persecution.”
To sign up for the e-mailed prayer materials for Operation Overload 2.0, visit www.usgraceforce.com. Father talks about the campaign in the video below.